Thursday, April 18, 2013

what fun...boudoir is awesome!

Day after my boudoir pics (and also my to my age....I'll never tell:) and I feel great.  I really highly recommend that all women get boudoir pics.....It's such a freeing experience that shows you to love your body as is....we're all sexy (hell, I know I am) and we forget that sometimes....can't wait to see my pics. 
If you're in Ct, I recommend Beth at Lost Highway Imaging. .  She is a great photographer and her makeup artist is superb....I've never looked better.
Plus, in the vain of spicing up your sexy life....that's definitely something your man will love to see.
Stay sexy,

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

day of boudoir excited

Woo's finally here.  I will be shooting my boudoir pics today and I am excited (although I will admit.....slightly nervous).  Can't narrow down the outfit I'm bringing extra and going with my gut.....hoping to post how great it was and how sexy I feel tomorrow.
Stay sexy,

Sunday, April 14, 2013

3 days til boudoir photos

WEll....3 days til my birthday boudoir photos....cant wait.....I do believe bodies are beautiful, so I'm weighing how bold to be...should I pose nude?  WEigh in with your thoughts.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

birthday gift to myself:)

So I'm turning the big 34:) on April 18th, and I decided to buy myself a great bday gift......a boudoir lingerie photo shoot.  The shoot is scheduled for April 17th, and I am so excited.  Hoping for some great pics...should I post a few on my website?  Let me know your thoughts.'
Stay sexy,