Saturday, December 29, 2012

snowy day...romantic day?

Hi everyone,
If you are up in New England, you know it's a snowy day today.  I did my 16.5 mile run before the snow started and am going to snuggle up and start my next book.  So happy that I finished and submitted my work in progress (now finished work:) Whirlwind.  Trying to decide what to write about next...I actually have several ideas, just have to choose what to carry out.
You know my books are available for purchase at if you need to be warmed up.
STay sexy,

Friday, December 28, 2012

just a few days til new years!

Hi everyone,
A few days til's hoping a new year brings success to all:) .  Consider bringing some success to this gal by buying one of my e-books at  Best Vacation Ever and Protect Me are two red hot reads that are guaranteed to get your new year sizzling.
As for me, I bought a fabulous red dress for new years....will I be out on the town or snuggling.......I'll play it by ear:).
STay sexy,

Sunday, December 23, 2012

the next blog hop

I was tagged by M.S. Spencer for the next blog hop.

if you want to check out her blog too.  I'm giving out info about my work in progress,....check it out and send me some comments:)

What is the working title of your next/ current book? Whirlwind

Where did you get the idea for the book?  Some parts are loosely based upon reality, but I wanted to write a romance where a woman is truly swept off her feet, romantically and sexually.  This book is it!

What is the genre of the book?

This book is an interracial erotica story.

If you could pick actors to play characters in your story, who would you pick?

Both of my leads are far too sexy to be portrayed by anyone currently available.:)

How would you describe your book in one sentence (ten words or less)?

Whirlwind is a sexy but romantic read.

How will your book be published?

It will be e-published.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of this book?

About six months.  It’s a longer story than I usually write and has more romance (although it still has the hot sex of my other stories).

What other books within your genre are similar to yours?

My other books, Best Vacation Ever and Protect Me, which are available for sale at

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

My need for true love that always contains a very racy sexual connection

What about your book will pique your readers’ interest?

The sex scenes will have you aroused immediately.  The romantic part of the story will have you saying “AWWW”.  It’s the best of both worlds.
Thanks for reading...Stay sexy,

Saturday, December 15, 2012

a serious blog post today

As much as I try to keep this blog light, I do have to say God Bless all the families and children affected by the shooting in Newtown.  This is a tragedy.  Please boycott all media that shows the pictures of people crying after the shooting.  Those people were fearful of the lives of their children and reporters were taking pictures.  Do not listen to interviews with children from the shooting.  Those children need to be sheltered and protected.....we are adults, we protect the kids first and worry about news later (or never , who cares, kids first). 
I'm all for fun social media, facebook, blogs (like this normally fun one here), etc, but not for the media who exploits people.  I've hosted many charity events that media has refused to attend saying "People don't care about that".  Show them they're wrong by tuning out for this story.....respect the families and show you care with your prayers or moment of silence if you aren't religious.

Friday, December 14, 2012

spread holiday cheer

Well everyone Lila is a self-confessed Christmas cornball, and so I wanted to write about holiday cheer today.  I'm skipping gifts with my four closest friends and enjoying a night out instead...whats better than times with friends and family?  I'm also doing something nice for someone today and Monday and making a charitable donation.....spread holiday cheer and it makes you feel better.
And spread that cheer at home too....surprise your man or woman with some morning sex (it's free and fun:).
Stay sexy,

Monday, December 10, 2012

guest blog

I am a guest blogger on I cant give away the have to visit to see...but check me out:)
STay sexy,

Saturday, December 8, 2012

holiday spirit

I've been hit by the holiday spirit...really wanting to go see the tree at Rockefeller Center, buy Christmas gifts, all that jazz:).  And of course , in the true spirit of being me, I really want to buy one of those Santa inspired lingerie pieces....are those sexy?  Guys , weigh in on that for me:).
Stay sexy,

Monday, December 3, 2012

monday....where I am and where I wish i was

MOndays stink don't they?  Right now its after my MOnday AM workout (if I don't get up early I won't do it) and it's about time for work.
Right about now, I wish I was at a great bed and breakfast having morning sex.....a girl can dream right.
STay sexy,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Putting spice back into your sex life Part VII

AHH we are finally on the seventh step here:).  Hopefully your sex life is getting hot and steamy as you've been working through these.

I saved the most daring for the end...hoping that you are now a sex god or goddess if you've been following my advice to this point.

Part VII Watch porn or read erotica with your partner

Don't cringe yet.  The good idea about you introducing this is that you pick the porn or erotica to share.  Think about yourself and your lover when you choose which one to do, watch or read (not saying you can't do both....I have).  If you're more visual, watch a porno.  If you have a great imagination, read erotica.  Both give you some good ideas and get those creative juices flowing. 
Some women think porn shows that we should be these plastic, perfectly thin that I reply, only if you aren't confident.  I am much sexier than those women.....but that doesn't mean I can't borrow their ideas.

While we're on topic....may I remind you that I write erotica:).  Oh...and if you check out my website this month, there is a chance to win a custom written short story by yours truly.  Your names, your plot, and you can take credit for it.  What's sexier than that.  Check it out to win.  Or go to to buy Best Vacation Ever or Protect Me to read with your lover.

SEriously though whatever works for you.  Porn is great too, and you can rent some at your local adult video store.  If you live in CT, I recommend VIP (wish they had a frequent shopper card).

I want to add in a bonus "rule" before I end the putting spice back into your sex life series.  If you are someone who shares your sexual life details with friends (umm might wanna reconsider that, but if you must), do not worry about what other people think.  Some people are prudes (I generally don't play nice with those people).  You go out there and have fun, have great sex, be wild.  Tis the season to be jolly in bed.

Stay Sexy,

Saturday, December 1, 2012

putting spice back in your sex life part VI

Let someone into your imagination ....share fantasies

Let's be honest, we all have that sexy, race, possibly forbidden fantasy that we are nervous to share, but his author is saying go ahead.  This is not to say you or your partner must fulfilll it exaactly as imagined (maybe your fantasy of having sex in a park filled with people might get you wearing an unsexy black and white jumpsuit, but I'm there is a more secluded outdoor locale where you can get it on:).  Email me if you need some hints. topic:). 
Odds are your fantasy is something your lover has heard before.  I once had someone refuse to reveal their fantasy to me until I kept hounding and hounding.  The "forbidden fantasy" was to watch a woman touch herself until she came.  NO big deal and one I was more than happy to fulfill. 
Want to be more adventurous?  Choose days to fulfill a fantasy of yourself and your partner.  Lots of sex filled fun nights ahead with that plan. And what's sexier than being the fantasy god or goddess who grants wishes?
Comments or them:).
STay sexy,

Friday, November 30, 2012

putting spice back in your sex life part V

This may go along with role play to an extent but part V is....
change roles.
It seems in every sexual situation (especially with couples), one person is the aggressor and the other is more passive.  Want to spice it up...switch roles. Does your partner always come to you for sex?  Be the aggressor and initiate.  Hop in the shower with your partner, offer a sexual massage, send a sexy text, just come out and say I want you tonight.
NOw if you're like me (very sexually aggressive:), let your partner come after you.  There is a rush associated with being the persuer and the persued.

ARe these tips helping your sex life.....share on the blog comments:).
Stay sexy,

Thursday, November 29, 2012

adding spice to your sex life part IV

Now we've got the dirty talk going from part III, and we are on to part IV. 
We know sex with the same person can get boring , so why not role play?
Think about it..who doesn't want to be someone else once in a while?  Now me, I'm one for the all out role play.  Never shy to go in the sexy store and pick out a costume, sexy nurse, belly dancer, hell I've even dressed up as someone else , wig and all, and pretended to be a sexy stranger. Then get into character...are you the cop?  Use your partner's belt to bind his hands while you go crazy riding him.  Nurse.....use some medical jargon when you talk to your lover.  Role play isnt just for ladies (I'm telling you guys dress up as a soldier and it's a fun night for you.)
Sometimes an escape from reality is all we need....bring a new you into the bedroom and it's great sex for both of you...occasionally escaping from yourself is just what you need to feel sensual.
STay sexy,

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

putting spice back in your sex life....part III

So now we've thought yourselves sexy, asked for what we want in bed so that sex life should be spicing up...but in case you need a little more insight.....onto #3

Dirty talk in bed

Ok of my personal favorite fun parts of sex.  I have a very no holds barred mouth in bed, and I've yet to find a partner who didn't love it.  If you aren't shy, let your imagination run wild.

When my lover comes into bed, I love to tell exactly what I want to do to him. 
I want to kiss a trail down your body, take your cock in my mouth until you're so hot that you really want to taste me.  When we fuck I want you to take me from behind until I cum all over you. 

By the time I get those words out, both of us are roaring to go.

If you're a little shyer, sexy texts are a great way to express what you want later.  If you  don't like the naughty language (come's fun:), say it a different way. 
I can't wait until you're on top of me, inside me.
I can't wait to feel your body later.

Last but not least, nothing is sexier than hearing I'm cumming.

Trying these ideas for adding spice to your sex life.....give some feedback.
Stay sexy,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

adding spice to your sex life part II

Now you've thought yourself what's next?
Part II: Ask for what you want .
This has never been hard for me, but I'm always surprised when friends (of both sexes) tell me what they want in bed and don't get it...when I ask if they told their lover, the answer is always some form of no.  "I'm embarrassed" or "I don't know how to ask". 
My response GET OVER IT.  Just kidding.  This can be an awkward conversation.
But who doesn't love some sexy talk? Try adding some into your scene to get what you want.  Who doesn't want to hear "If you touch my clit, cock, whatever, right now I'll cum."  Or  "I love when you...".  And don't be afraid to show....not getting the touch you want? Let your fingers do the walking and show how you want to be touched.  Or let your partner watch you masterbate (always a thrill).
Being pleased = you wanting to please your partner= great sex for both of you.  That's the winning equation (my orgasm equation).
So don't be afraid to speak up!
Stay sexy,

Monday, November 26, 2012

getting the spice back in your sex life....part I

With Holidays comes extra time being busy and less time sex and romance with our loved ones....that led me to think about 7 ways to get the spice back in your sex life....revealed one at a time this week.

#1: Think yourself sexy.
It's going to be hard for someone to see you as sexy if you don't.  Take a long look in the mirror and find parts of you that you like instead of harping on the one part you hate.  I love my sexy , toned shoulders, nice legs, round butt, and nice breasts.  That being said, I am one sexy bitch...who cares about that one part I don't like.
Don't join in the body bashing that friends participate in.  Think positive, be positive and it spreads to others.
Have a go-to picture of yourself in your mind that you think of on a day when you feel low.  For me, I imagine my first half marathon picture at the finish line.  I was smiling (due to the first photographer who told me he was taking the pic) and my body looks strong, and I just felt powerful.  I mean I smiled after I ran a half marathon:) .  So I keep that image in my head, anytime I feel negative self-talk coming on.  Me -powerful:).
Accept compliments....if someone says you look great say thanks.  Once at work, someone told me I never have a bad day, always hair and makeup done.  While that is a bit of an exaggeration, I squashed the impulse to say that and just said thanks.  Their compliment made my day....why shoot them and myself down.

Read on tomorrow for more ways to add spice to your sex life.  Post any feedback...I welcome it.
Stay sexy,

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Sunday...last day after a long weekend to return to the real work world.  Time for my long run (long training run for February's marathon every Sunday).  It's such a ritual I'd be lost without it.  Do you have any Sunday rituals?  Reply to me and let me know if you do.
Still looking for local business owners to interview on the blog....let's get the word out for people to shop local this holiday season.
Lacing up my New Balance....gotta fly.
Stay sexy,

Saturday, November 24, 2012

trying out a new writing style:)

So for my latest piece, Whirlwind, I am focusing more on the romantic side than the sex (but make no mistakes, there is a lot of hot sex in there because I still have to be me).  This makes writing a little harder though....but giving myself the I can do it prep talk.  Happy weekend everyone!
Stay sexy,

Friday, November 23, 2012

let me advertise your local business

Hi everyone,
I want to support local business this holiday season, so I would like to interview a local business person (CT or NY) each day until Christmas.  Just a few questions to tell readers about you and your business.  Any interested person, reply to me here or
Hope to talk to you soon.
STay sexy,

Black Friday

Ahh Black Friday....that day I never understood. Standing in line with a bunch of crazy people to save a few bucks....most stores run the sales again before Christmas anyways (and sometimes before Thanksgiving...yours truly got a great sweater at the Limited for 10 bucks (it's awesome, shows my curves off:).
Give the gift of an experience for Christmas....I buy few presents now...not because I'm cheap, but because I like to spend time with those I love instead.
I might go to dinner with a few cherished friends, wear some sexy lingerie and plan a night out with that special, sexy guy, or have some crazy adventure like rock climbing with a cool adventurous buddy.  Gifts come and go , memories are forever.
Wanna skip the line and shop online.....http://lilahart.yolasite to check out my books . to buy one.
Now off to the gym to keep those curves.
Stay sexy,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What I'm thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I'm thankful for so much today.  My friends, family, co-workers, as I am each year.  However, I have some new things I'm thankful for this year.  As a new erotica author, I am thankful to see people reading my books.  My ebooks , Best Vacation Ever and Protect Me, are currently the #1 and #2 daily hotsellers at and Best Vacation Ever is #12 bestseller in the menage category. 
Also ran in the Manchester Road race today and am so thankful that I finished and am in good health to do so.
What are you thankful for?
Enjoy the day everyone.